On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 at 5:25pm, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

> I am using :startinsert! from my plugin to put the user in insert mode,
> but if the user doesn't type anything for 'updatetime' after this, no
> CursorHoldI event is generated. I tried doing an explicit :doauto right
> after :startinsert!, but Vim ignores it, probably because the command
> only schedules for an insert mode (doesn't immediate change it).
> Note that the CursorMovedI gets triggered correctly in this case, but I
> don't want to use that as I don't want to know about every character
> that user types, but only when the user is holding.
> Any suggestions for a workaround?
> I have Vim7 upto the patch 146.

I tried to convert the first CursorMovedI to CursorHoldI using the below code:

aug LookupFileCursorHoldIHACK
  au CursorMovedI <buffer> nested exec 'doautocmd LookupFile CursorHoldI' | au!
aug END

This also gets ignored :(


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