On Sun 22-Oct-06 11:09pm -0600, Raymond wrote:

> I'm new to Vim, now i'm using GVim 7.0 on Windows system.
> Here is my questions.
> 2. Now I know how to install *.vim plugin. Then I
> encounter VISINCR.VBA plugin
> (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=670). How
> to install this kind of *.vba
> plugin?

I don't use UTL.vim or Total Commander, so I can't help you.

However, *.vba are vimballs (kind of like tarballs).  All
you do is edit one and it tells you what to do - type:

    :so %

That will place the files in the appropriate directories
(usually under your vimfiles subdirectory).  The actual
place is the first directory of 'rtp' (type :set rtp?).

You should have a recent version of the vimball plugin (the
one in the distribution is about 5 months old).  You can the
latest at the author's site:


or at vim online:


An even better approach for updating you runtime files is to
update from the vim ftp site.  For windows, and using 4nt as
your shell, the command is:

    copy /[!*~] /u /s "ftp://ftp.home.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/dos/*"; 

That's all on one line.  It copies all new or newer files
for all subdirectories excluding files ending with '~'.
c:\vim\vim70 is my runtime directory - replace it with

Best regards,

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