On 10/25/06, Billy Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I assume excel has a limit to the number of columns.

I believe the max is 65000 but that may be increased by now.

Is it possible, in vim/gvim to open a special version of vim so that the
user can begin to type, spac , and it would complete the word?


Would it also be possible to not allow a word to be type'd if that word was
not in a list.

Harder, but probably.

My questions.
1. Can vim be configured to automatically start in edit mode?

Yes, but I forget what the setting is, you can just push it into
insert mode when you enter a buffer if nothing else.

2. Can vim monitor each word that is being typed?

You can remap the spacebar to trigger a function without difficulty or
you can monitor every keystroke if you want something fancier.

:help map.txt
:help map-arguments
:help autocmd
:help autocmd-events

3. Can vim do word completion?

Many types. :help completion

4. Can vim offer all possible spellings for partial word completion?

It does by default and you can view them as a menu if you're using Vim
7. If you want to provide a list of possible words to be completed, it
can be done by creating a ctags file.

:help completeopt

If the answer to most of qeustion above is yes
5. Can I do the programming?  I do perl, c, c++, csh and sh programming.

Most vim scripting is done in vimscript, which I consider to be fairly
close to bash/sh. You can also do scripting in Python. I'm not sure
about the perl interface.

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