--- Shark Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was agonized by GVim 7.0, the editor always auto changed my cursor
> to next line, when I typed
> with long line ( less than the wrap margin ) or end tag element, such
> as "</table>".
> the following is my vimrc, you could see that I had disabled autoindent :
> =================================================
> "***** display *****
> colo darkblue
> syntax on
> set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11
> set anti
> set nonu
> "***** wrap and tab *****
> set wm=78
> set ts=2
> set sw=2
> set et
> "***** indent *****
> set noai
> set nosi
> set nocin
> set ic
> What should I do for this issue ? thanks for your help.


If you have 'wrapmargin' or 'wm' set to 78, Vim is going to wrap your text 78
characters *before* the right margin.  That means if you have 110 columns of
screen space, Vim will wrap after just 32 characters.  Perhaps 'textwidth' is
the option you are trying to set in your vimrc where you have:

  set wm=78

maybe you should use

  set textwidth=78

See also
  :help 'wm'
  :help 'tw'

Also, AFAIK indenting options don't insert newlines, they only adjust the
number of tabs/spaces at the start of the line.


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