
Your tip is great. It fixed the first problem (with :bn, :bp). However, it
does not take care of the second problem, regarding the tabs.

In addition, Yakov, I've found some instances where your tip fails to
work. It must be a bug in vim, because the tip's code looks fine.


> On 11/6/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It bothers me how when switching between tabs (gt) or switching between
>> buffers (:bn, :bp), sometimes a buffer will end up being
>> shifted/scrolled up/down within its window.
>> For the occasions that I want to shift the buffer I have keys like "zz"
>> to do this manually. I don't want this to happen automatically. Is there
>> any way to avoid this automatic "shifting" that I'm talking about?
> Yes, Matt, there is.
> Try  http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=1379
> "Tip #1375: preserve screen *visual* line when switching buffers"
> Yakov

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