On (12:28 14/11/06), A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> put forth the 
> David Woodfall wrote:
> >I would like to make a command that would insert at cursor todays date,
> >and also a command to insert some custom text.
> >
> >In the help file it shows how to make a keybind to do this but I would
> >rather use a command - eg :date
> >
> >Can this be done?
> >
> >Thanks
> (untested; requires strftime() function) (note all user-defined command 
> names must start with an uppercase letter)
>       command -nargs=* -bar Date call InsertDate(<q-args>)
>       function InsertDate(format)
>               if ! exists('*strftime')
>                       echoerr 'strftime() not defined'
>                       return -1
>               endif
>               let f = a:format
>               if f == ""
>                       let f = '%c'
>               endif
>               exe "normal a\<C-R>=strftime(" . f . ")\e"
>       endfunction
> then
>       :Date
> will insert the current date and time in your locale-dependent default 
> format; or
>       :Date %d %b %Y
> will (today) insert
>       14 Nov 2006
> I hope I'm not just doing your homework (this sounds like a classical 
> exercise).

Thanks for the ideas. No this isn't homework - today I was writing some
readmes and thought it would save some typing to make a command to print
 'Release date dd mmm yyyy'
> The simplest way to insert some custom text is to keep in a register:
>       let @w = "David Woodfall "
> then hit
>       "wp
> to insert your name at the cursor in Normal mode, or
>       ^Rw
> (where ^R means "hit Ctrl-R") in Insert mode.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Avoid reality at all costs.

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