news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-28 21:18:55:
>  I'd like to know if there is a way to tell Vim to recognize identifiers
> occurring inside the comments/strings in source code as being valid
> E.g. if I have
>         // function foo() does whatever it does
>                     ~~~
>         void foo() { ... }
> and "spell" option is on, the first "foo" is highlighted as a misspelt
> as indicated above (the second one isn't as spell checking is done only
> comments and strings (which is good, but not quite enough)). Is there any
> to ignore all identifiers for spell checking? E.g. ignore all words
> outside of comments/strings in the same buffer or maybe all identifiers
> the tags file or maybe something even better which I didn't think of?
>  Thanks in advance for any ideas,

Generally, it is not a good practice to use // or /* */ to comment out
codes. (a better approach might be "#if 0" and "#endif"), so if you use #if
0 there would not be problem.

If you just want all identifiers to be valid word, there has been somewhere
a method to permenantly add all identifiers in a tags file to your
dictionary. But it is inconvinient, since tags file will change frequently,
and you may want to use different tags file with different project.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

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