Sorry for resending, I have had problems with email and I'm not sure
if this message made its way into the list. If it is repeated, please
ignore O:))))

    Hi all :)

    I want to be able to NOT load the plugins in my system-wide runtime
directory, and instead loading my own set of plugins, and only those. So
far, I know that "set noloadplugins" will do the job, partially. This
won't load the default plugins in the $VIMRUNTIME/plugins directory, ok,
but then my own plugins won't be loaded from "~/.vim/plugins".

    Apart from sourcing them manually from my .vimrc (which is not
difficult), is there any other way of avoiding the loading of the
plugins in the runtime directory but load the ~/.vim/plugins ones? Of
course, a good way would be not installing the default plugins in the
first place, but I want them available for the rest of users in my
system (a fellow programmer, specially).

    Any help or suggestion is welcome, and thanks a lot in advance. If
the answer is in the user manual (which I haven't read entirely, I'm in
"usr_40.txt" right now), feel free to ignore me, I'll hit it sooner or

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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