On Fri 1-Dec-06 7:19pm -0600, Yakov Lerner wrote:
> On 12/1/06, Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> One might think so, but also note:
>>     :help non-greedy

> I don't have tag 'non-greedy' in the help. I have vim 7.9.164
> from svn. Where do I get more updated helpfiles ?

I see Tony already provided the an approach for unix.  To
update your directories on Windows (using 4nt):

copy /[!*~]/u/s "ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/dos"; c:\vim\vim70

adjusting the target as appropriate.  This copies only files
that are newer or didn't exist on the target.  It skips
files ending with a tilde.

And if any help files were updated:

vim -nes "+helpt c:\vim\vim70\doc|q"

Best regards,

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