Towards the bottom of Luc Hermitte message, the following was said:

> substitute(), match*(), exists(), ...
> But also :exe, :normal!, I-CTRL_R, :s, ... which are not functions
> indeed.

What does the I-CTRL_R command do?


--- Luc Hermitte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> * On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 07:05:40PM +0100, Kim Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > It you should give one (or more) tips to a person who was going to
> > start creating scripts for vim, then what would it be? 
> Tough question.
> > ideas could be:
> > Do's and dont's 
> * Do know the various kinds of scripts (plugins, ftplugins, compiler
> plugins, indent plugins, ...).
> In particular |ftplugins| can be seen as buffer-wise plugins dedicated
> to specific type of files.
>     :h map-local
>     :h b:var
>     :h :setlocal
> BTW, b:did_ftplugin is not to be used by us, mere mortals. This
> anti-reinclusion guard must be reserved to "standard" ftplugins. For
> instance, they can't be of any help in my C++ ftplugins suite as it is
> made of several distinct C++ ftplugin scripts (and many other plugins,
> auto-plugins (VimL functions dedicated to C++ analysis (scopes,
> signatures, ...) , ...) 
> * Don't assume anything about the configuration of the users of your
> scripts. 
> This means that vim versions can vary, and even the way vim is compiled
> can make some differences as it has already been said in this thread.
> Moreover, sometimes people override standard keys sequences to do, well,
> quite odd things that have nothing to do with the standard and default
> behavior we can expect.
> This means we, plugins writers, must always prefer the "nore" version of
> :*map, :*abbr, and :normal! over :normal. Unless it can't be done
> otherwise.
> In the same kind of idea, our users may not like the default keybindings
> we propose for our mappings. Instead of having them patch by hand our
> scripts (that they may have to upgrade for a newer version someday),
> we have to consider using |<plug>|, |<Leader>|, and other global options
> (|g:var|), all three to be set from within the .vimrc.
> > best util script
> I use a lot the scripts I'm maintaining (searchInRuntime,
> BuildToolsWrappers, my fork of mu-template, my bracketing suite). But
> also a few other scripts like a.vim, enhancedCommentify, CVS-menu,
> Matchit, swap-words, ...
> Lately, I've started moving a few functions to autoload plugins, which
> are perfect to implement VimL library plugins.
> > often used functions
> substitute(), match*(), exists(), ...
> But also :exe, :normal!, I-CTRL_R, :s, ... which are not functions
> indeed.
> > ways of optimization
> > etc. etc..
> A couple of years ago, I gave a presentation of vim configuration. The
> slides are available on my web site [1], they are in French and pre-date
> the release of vim7 which changed a few things in the way I develop my
> plugins. The few examples, and references to vim help topics should be
> understandable.
> SVN is my precious friend, even if I haven't moved all my scripts into
> subversion repositories.
> Having a documentation that also stats the purpose of your scripts is
> plus.
> HTH,
> [1]
> -- 
> Luc Hermitte

Michael D. Phillips - A computer science enthusiast
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