On Wed 6-Dec-06 12:55am -0600, Peter Hodge wrote:

> --- Alan G Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Quoting from :h :bd ::
>>         Actually, the buffer isn't completely deleted, it is 
>>         removed from the buffer list |unlisted-buffer| and 
>>         option values, variables and mappings/abbreviations 
>>         for the buffer are cleared.

> I can confirm that using ':bd' on a buffer *will* remove a buffer-local 'imap'
> but *will not* remove a buffer-local 'vmap' for that buffer.
> To test, open any file in Vim, and execute these commands:
>   :imap <buffer> iiii IIII
>   :vmap <buffer> vvvv VVVV
>   :imap <buffer> | vmap <buffer>
> [you should see that two mappings are defined for the buffer]

I repeated this starting with a file name "file":

gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file

Here I see what appears to be a cosmetic bug.  I am seeing:

i  iiii         @IIII <buffer>
v  vvvv         @VVVV

The line was not first cleared.

>   :bd
>   :b1
> you have just 'deleted' the buffer and reloaded it, which should have cleared
> both the imap and the vmap for that buffer.
>   :imap <buffer> | vmap <buffer>
> You will see that the 'vmap' still remains. (I haven't checked what other
> types of mappings might also survive a ':bd' command.)

Here I see:

No mapping found
No mapping found

Best regards,

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