On 12/13/06, Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2006-12-03, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can try 'gvim.exe -V20/tmp/log' to identity points of slowness.
> You might need timestamps in the logfile for that. To add timestamps,
> you can try to redirect the logfile to the named pipe and the to
> utility which adds  timestamps.

What utility that adds timestamps?

I don't know if you can call the [1] and [2] below 'utilities', but
they copy standard input to standard output, adding
the timestamp to microsecond resolution to each line.
[1] is in perl, [2] is in C. Worksforme.

Good luck,

[1] --------- timestamp.pl ---------------------------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# timestamp.pl  --  copy standard input to standard output, adding
#                   timestamps with microsecond resolution.

use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);

my ($seconds, $microseconds, $formatted_time );

while(<STDIN>) {
   ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday;
   $formatted_time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime($seconds));
   printf "%s.%06d %s",  $formatted_time, $microseconds, $_;

[2] --------------------timestamp.c
/* timestamp.c  - copy standard input to standard output, adding */
/*                timestamps with microsecond resolution         */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

char *timestamp(char *buf, int max, time_t _time) {
   struct tm tm_;

   localtime_r(&_time, &tm_);
   strftime(buf, max, "%H:%M:%S", &tm_);
   return buf;

int main() {
   char buf[1024];
   char timebuf[30];
   struct timeval tv;

   while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) {
       gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
       printf("%s.%06ld %s",
              timestamp(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), tv.tv_sec),
(long)tv.tv_usec, buf);
   return 0;

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