
Steve Hall wrote:
> From: zzapper <david tvis co.uk>, Tue, December 19, 2006 6:53 am
>> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/cream/gvim-7-0-178.exe?modtime=1165578469&big_mirror=0
>> Downloaded above by following links from vim.org
>> It works fine with most files but cannot edit .vimrc (unless I
>> rename .vimrc to say fred) it shows the menu "read only, edit anyway
>> etc then seizes.
> The correct name of vimrc on Windows is "_vimrc". A file with a
> preceding dot is actually not a permitted file name on Windows.

there is nothing wrong with a file name with a leading dot. Even
directory names with a leading dot are accepted:

  :echo $MYVIMRC
  C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\jkr.HABEL\.vimrc
  set rtp?

> (Although there are ways of getting one on the system.)

It seems Windows Explorer does not allow to create a file name with a
leading dot, but on the command line and inside VIM it's no problem --

  echo set compatible> .vimrc


  :w .vimrc


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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