Adrien BUSTANY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:45A01454.5030100

> [ This message is an ad for a GPLed software I wrote for my everyday vim
> usage. You've been warned :-) ]
> Hi there,
> Since the day I discovered sessions with vim I cannot live without them.
> I wanted a quick way to launch gvim -S mysessionfile and couldn't find
> one, so I developed a little app based on GTK 2.10 which answers my needs.
> The app sits in the tray (I believe it's freedesktop compatible though
> I'm not sure). You can use it to register where your vim session files
> are, and then it makes them available through a simple popup menu. That
> way, all your projects will stand one click away :)
> The homepage is

I've never really used sessions much (for no particular reason)  I'd probably 
use an alias (Cygwin on win32)

alias vproj='gvim x[1-3].php doc.txt'

zzapper Vim, Zsh, MySQL Tips

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