I believe both versions of Vim get its initial info from ~/.bashrc.
In my ~/.vimrc I have the following entry:

" make sure Vim uses the bash shell
set shell=bash

Which verion(s) are you using? I have OS X 10.4.8 and the command line version of Vim is 6.3.82. The GUI version is 7.0. Other than some goofy font issues, the GUI version is more useful and has some rather nice features (tabs for one) that aren't available in the earlier command line version.


On Jan 8, 2007, at 1:42 AM, Brett Calcott wrote:

Hi all,

I have just got a Macbook (switching from windows) and have downloaded
and compiled the latest version of Vim on it. It all works fine, but I
have a few questions.

1. How do I distinguish between the command line and gui versions.
Both appear to respond 'True' to has("gui"). Is there another feature
that I should be looking for.

2. Where does the gui version get its initial environment from? I want
to add some extra stuff to PATH. I know I can do this using $PATH in
the .vimrc, but I would rather do it at some global level.

Thanks for any aid,

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