Kim Schulz wrote:

> I get gvim to crash every time I try the following:
> let mynumbers = {0:'zero',1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four',
>               5:'five',6:'six',7:'seven',8:'eight',9:'nine'}
> function mynumbers.convert(number) dict
>    return join(map(split(a:number,'\zs'), 'get(self,
> v:val,"unknown")')) 
> endfunction
> echo mynumbers.convert(12345)
> cannot get the same code to crash in the console version of vim.

I can't reproduce the crash.  Anything specific about the Vim you are

It's weird that it crashes only in the GUI version, there is nothing
GUI-specific being used.

Perhaps you can have Vim crash in a debugger and find out where it

> another weird thing is that if I call this function (in console vim)
> and uses the argument 123123123123 then it returns as if approx. half
> of the digits are unknown. is it Vim's number<->string conversion
> mechanism that fails or? 

Size of numbers is limited to 32 bits.

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