Guido Van Hoecke wrote:

:h netrw-a describes how one can hide certain files. It gives \.obj
as example of a file mask that can be used. I want to browse my
thunderbird mail directory, but ignore the msf files. So I use the <c-h>
map to enter \.msf as mask of files to be hidden.

So the normal list (only the top most lines to illustrate my problem) reads: " ============================================================================ " Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v98)
"   /home/guivho/.mozilla-thunderbird/thunderbird/Mail/localhost-4
"   Sorted by      name
"   Sort sequence: [\/]$,*,\.bak$,\.o$,\.h$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.obj$
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:exec " ============================================================================

Now I enter 'a' and see:
" ============================================================================ " Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v98)
"   /home/guivho/.mozilla-thunderbird/thunderbird/Mail/localhost-4
"   Sorted by      name
"   Sort sequence: [\/]$,*,\.bak$,\.o$,\.h$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.obj$
"   Hiding:        \.msf
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:exec " ============================================================================

It says that it is hiding \.msf, but still lists those files.

When I enter 'a' again, I see:" ============================================================================ " Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v98)
"   /home/guivho/.mozilla-thunderbird/thunderbird/Mail/localhost-4
"   Sorted by      name
"   Sort sequence: [\/]$,*,\.bak$,\.o$,\.h$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.obj$
"   Showing:       \.msf
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:exec " ============================================================================

At least it is consistent. It behaves as if no file matches the \.msf
pattern, so it doesn't hide any file if told to hide them, and does not
show any if requested to show them.

I have tried all kinds of variations, such as *\.msf, *\.msf$ \.msf$ and
.msf but have not been able to hide the msf files.

I realised that v98 is an old one, it came with the default install of my
vim 7 with patches 1-35. So I got netrw v107 and sourced it with :so%

Something was rotten in the state of Denmark: it produced files
ending on ?[[[1

~$ ls -l .vim/plugin/net*
-rw-r--r-- 1 guivho guivho 8528 2007-01-09 19:43 .vim/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim?[[[1
~$ ls -l .vim/autoload/net*
-rw-r--r-- 1 guivho guivho 10226 2007-01-09 19:43 .vim/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim?[[[1 -rw-r--r-- 1 guivho guivho 7094 2007-01-09 19:43 .vim/autoload/netrwSettings.vim?[[[1 -rw-r--r-- 1 guivho guivho 190182 2007-01-09 19:43 .vim/autoload/netrw.vim?[[[1
~$ ls -l .vim/doc/pi_net*
-rw-r--r-- 1 guivho guivho 89232 2007-01-09 19:43 .vim/doc/pi_netrw.txt?[[[1
So I was stuck with v98 and without hiding capability.
So I assumed that this [[[ problem was caused by an old version of vimball.

I installed the latest vimball (version 21 dd 2007-01-03), manually
removed the ?[[[1 files and sourced netrw.vba.gz with the latest
vimball. This produced a normal txt file in the doc directory, and vim
files in the plugin and autoload directory.

The result was even worse. When I entered ':e .' it bluntly stated: '
"guivho" is a directory'
which is right, it is my home directory. But it does not list anything.
It even does not show the netrw = header block.

Luckily, I was able to get v98 to work again by removing the netrw files
from my .vim directory.

I am sorry that I this does report two problems in one mail:
1) hiding does not work for me (not with v98)
2) the latest (v107) netrw does not work at all

-- ... and go2 places!

There has recently been an important update of runtime files on the website. This includes netrw v107, which works for me. Since you are on X11 (I assume Unix/Linux or similar), you can install them as follows (start in your "build" directory, the parent of runtime/ and src/ if you compile your own Vim)

        rsync -avzcP --delete --exclude="/dos/" 
        cd src
        make installruntime

(I intentionally indented them so any spurious linebreak added by my mailer or yours will be obvious). Of course, you may optionally log the rsync and/or the make by redirecting their output.

The above is if you don't recompile Vim now. Or you may also (a) install the latest patches (to 7.0.182), (b) run rsync but not installruntime, and then (c) "make" followed by "make install".

Then check your $VIM/vimfiles and ~/.vim directory trees, and remove any outdated scripts there. This is important.

Best regards,

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