\ is hard to type in my keyboard (spanish) because I'm forced to
press Alt-Gr plus the top left key in the keyboard (just below ESC), so
I'm looking for a good substitute for the leader: do you know where
could I find "free" characters to use? Looks like every key is already a
vim command and I must confess (full of embarrasment here...) that I
don't know even 10% of them O:))) Getting the list from the help is a
bit tedious and error prone, so...

IIUC, the backslash is about the only "normal" key that isn't used by vim. There are the function keys too, though.

However, there are a number of keys that perform duplicate (or semi-duplicate) actions, and if you use the more common key, the other sits somewhat idle. Other keys that might be candidates for leader would include:

* plus/minus (as you have j/k as well as up/down)

* underscore (it may be a semi-unique function, but I've never used it, and I use nearly 98%+ of those keys in question)

* <enter> (also pretty much just a go-down-a-line command)

There's also the capital-U which is an oddity, doing an "undo" but only for the current line...same with capital-Y for which I just am wired to use "yy", neither of which I use in my day-to-day vimming.

Just a few ideas. I currently have +/- mapped to adding a blank line above/below the current line like O/o only it leaves me in normal mode rather than going into insert mode.

If you don't use more than 10% of the keys, you can look at it from both sides...you've got plenty of keys you can remap...but if you remap them, it will be harder to learn the other 90%. :)


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