Ramashish Baranwal wrote:

I would like to know how to define file specific settings (based on
file extension/type). I would prefer modifying my .vimrc file instead
of language specific .vim files. I am trying to achieve something

if file-extension is .c or .cpp
   # expand tabs to spaces
   set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
else if filetype is Makefile
   # don't expand tabs to spaces

Any help would be appreciated. :)


Well, the canonical way to do this is by means of after-plugins: ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim (for c and cpp) or ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/make.vim for makefiles -- replace ".vim" by "vimfiles" on Windows). You can also do it by means of autocommands for the FileType event. Place them after the ":filetype on" or ":source vimrc_example.vim" statement.

Note: ftplugin/c.vim is sourced for cpp files but in the case of autocommands you might need them both:

        autocomd FileType c,cpp setlocal sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
        autocomd Filetype make noexpandtab

1) Regardless of whether you use an after-plugin or an autocommand, use ":setlocal" rather than ":set", to avoid clobbering the settings for other open files (hidden, or in split-windows). 2) The default ftplugin for the "make" filetype already sets 'noexpandtab' so you don't need to set it again.

Best regards,

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