Hi Tony :)

 * A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> > * Matthew Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> >>>The <Leader> defaults to \ on some installations, I believe.
> >>\ is the default value, and that's the value used if mapleader is
> >>empty. It's a bad idea to set mapleader to , unless you have a
> >>keyboard where \ is hard to type, as , is already a Vim command.
> >
> >    \ is hard to type in my keyboard (spanish) because I'm forced to
> >press Alt-Gr plus the top left key in the keyboard (just below ESC), so
> >I'm looking for a good substitute for the leader: do you know where
> >could I find "free" characters to use? Looks like every key is already a
> >vim command and I must confess (full of embarrasment here...) that I
> >don't know even 10% of them O:))) Getting the list from the help is a
> >bit tedious and error prone, so...
> You can at least remap it to something which can be produced by hitting 
> only one key, for instance:
>       :map   <F12>   <Bslash>
>       :map!  <F12>   <Bslash>

    That's great! I always forget that one of the best features of key
mapping in vim is that you can "translate" keys!

> will make the F12 key an alias for \ in all modes. Or instead of F12, you 
> can use some key for some character with the high bit set, if you have 
> some:

    I have the 'ñ' at the tip of my right little finger ;) That's a
perfect candidate for a leader or as a substitute for backslash :) I
have 'ç' too (its a bit farther on the right, but still reachable with
the little finger without having to actually look at the keyboard). In
addition to this, both ' and ` are good candidates because they do the

    Thanks A LOT for your invaluable help.

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 | http://www.dervishd.net
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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