When I try to search for a word with the following


the vim program stops at the :/\< and replaces the <
with a > and then errors:

E486: Pattern not found.

I haven't found anything on google that speaks to this problem. Can someone help me?

sounds like you have a command-line mapping bunging with your setup. Does it happen if you start vim with

        vim -u NONE

If so, there may be a real issue (though I can't duplicate it here).

You might want to check the output of


to see what sorts of mappings you have in place that could be causing problems. You can then use "scriptnames" and "verbose" to try and track down where the offender was established.

Whatever mapping you have, it appears to be quite an odd one...perhaps something like

        cnoremap <leader>> <lt><cr>

which is odd in my book. :-/


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