DervishD wrote:

>     Hi all, and sorry for self-replying...
>  * DervishD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> > > >I want to edit/view utf8 files *and* I don't want new files or
> > > >US-ASCII files to be considered utf8, my best bet is to use
> > > >"BufReadPre" to detect utf8 files using "file -i" or something
> > > >similar, thus forcing the conversion, am I wrong?
>     I've done the following autocommand to perform the detection:
> autocmd BufReadPre *
>     \ if system("file -i " . expand("<amatch>")) =~ "utf8" |
>     \   setlocal fenc=utf8 |
>     \ endif
>     I'm sure that it could be much more simpler and powerful, but I'm a
> newbie programming in VimL, so... It works for me, at least, but any
> suggestion is welcome.

Did you set 'fileencodings' to an empty string?  Otherwise this would
not work.

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She sells C shells by the seashore.

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