Spencer Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-01-18 13:45:29:
> I'm running Vim 6.4 on Windows 2000.  When I'm using GVim as a normal
> user, I can hear the beeping noises (for example, if I'm on the last
> line and then press 'j').  However, when I'm logged in as Administrator,
> I never hear any beeping noises.
> I made a few changes to my _vimrc file, but the file is shared by all
> users, and none of the changes have to do with the beep, so I don't know
> why Administrator can't hear the beep.
> Anyone know what's going on?  Thanks.

Beeps are controled by t_ settings, those settings may be reset *after*

So you should set those in .gvimrc again.

Check if there's a .gvimrc for Administrator?

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

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