Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Hello!
> The following is a note that I sent to Scott Johnston; perhaps people 
> have woken up and decided in large groups that they really like my 
> tips,  :) but:
> For the third time since January 15, I've seen "tip storms" in karma 
> rating changes.
> Here's the latest one (Jan 22, 2007):
>                     Karma/Raters/Downloads:
>                  dK/dR/  dD:  K / R /  D
>   tip changed by 20/ 5/  17:  96/ 33/5988 How to initialize plugins    
> I noticed this karma-increase-storm for a bunch of other tips, too.
> I figure either its a vandal or perhaps the tip-note cleaning process 
> has a bug affecting karma ratings.
> If its a vandal, I have no idea what can be done about it, but I thought
> I'd pass the info along.  He suggested I let you know.

I too have noticed this, it may be due to Google providing "free" adverts to 
individual VIM tips (those ads to right of search results). I have have 
noticed on at least two occasions a google Ad for my tip 305 "Best of 
Vimtips" . Vim may hopefully be reaching parts never before cleaned, whoops 
where was I, I mean reaching a new set of potential users.


zzapper Vim, Zsh, MySQL Tips

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