
neolistic wrote:
> It don't works, I tried
> iunmap é
> iunmap <M-i>
> and I can see the map with :imap
> i  é            @<Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine

from :help map-listing

| When listing mappings the characters in the first two columns are:
|       CHAR      MODE    ~
|      <Space>    Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
|         n       Normal
|         v       Visual
|         o       Operator-pending
|         !       Insert and Command-line
|         i       Insert
|         l       ":lmap" mappings for Insert, Command-line and Lang-Arg
|         c       Command-line
| Just before the {rhs} a special character can appear:
|         *       indicates that it is not remappable
|         &       indicates that only script-local mappings are remappable
|         @       indicates a buffer-local mapping

Note the last line. To unmap this buffer-local mapping you should use

  :iunmap <buffer> é


  :iunmap <buffer> <M-i>


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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