Robert Hicks wrote:
I only use a .vimrc and for the things that are gui specific I wrap in:

if has("gui_running")
    " stuff for gvim

Is there any reason NOT to do that if I only want to maintain one config file?


I do that too. For the settings which must wait until the GUI starts (like setting t_vb again) I use instead something like

        if has("gui")
                autocommand GUIEnter * set t_vb=

which, however, does rely on +autocmd being compiled-in. This is not really a problem for me, since in the rare cases when I use a "tiny" version of Vim, it is not GUI-enabled.

With Unix versions of gvim, it is possible to start a GUI-enabled Vim in console mode, do some editing (so has("gui_running") is off while sourcing the vimrc) and later change one's mind and use the :gui command to start the GUI. In practice I don't do that, however, so (in practice) when has("gui_running") is false, I'm not going to go from console mode to GUI mode in the course of the current session.

I think that what it comes to in the end is a question of personal preference.

Best regards,

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