Hi all :))

    I'm trying to fully understand the syntax commands, and when doing
tests a question popped up in my mind: let's say I have a region which
starts with something like "\I\i*{" and ends with "}". For example, the
example below will match:


    BUT, the below is valid for the filetype, too:

    morestrange{content with words and {}, surprise!}

    Of course, with something like this:

    syntax region SomeRegion start="\I\i*{" skip="{[^}]*}" end="}"

    I'm able to highlight the example above, without having "{}" end the
region. The problem here comes when I want to highlight the part between
the braces in a different color. I've tried this, to (by the moment)
only highlight *braces* within those braces:

    syntax region SomeRegion start="\I\i*{" skip="{[^}]*}" end="}"
        \ contains=Inner
    syntax match Inner "{[^}]*}" contained

    But this performs the following highlighting:

    example{with some contents}

    example{with another pair of braces {}}

    That is, the contained item is "swallowing" part of the "start"
match!. I thought that when the match for "start" was performed, the
matched test wasn't tried for any other match, including "contained"
items. Obviously, I was wrong (or I misunderstood the entire issue), and
I don't know if, just using regions, I can have a match like this:

    example{{weird} and some mor{}e text}

    that is, that the first opening brace is not "swallowed" by the
contained syntax item. As you can see, the contained item must be
allowed to start with "{".

    Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for the weird question O:)))

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 | http://www.dervishd.net
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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