Recently, Tim Chase wrote in the thread "replace 
    with a number sequence":

  > Things get a little trickier if one wants to do the replacement
  > in a single line of multiple instances...
  >     opInstance(1), opInstance(2), opInstance(3)     
  > One has to write a function that effects a global variable:
  >     let g:start=0
  >     function! Incrementer()
  >             let l:result = g:start
  >             let g:start = g:start + 1
  >             return l:result
  >     endfunction
  > and then do something like
  >     :%s/regexp/\=Incrementer()/g
  > It would be nice not to have to use global variables for
  > something like that.
  Can't one initialize the unnamed register, @" and use a :g with
  a command along the lines of 'replace with @" and increment @"'

  (I tried some experiments to implement the above idea but could
  not do so.  But my inability to implement it does not meant that
  it can't be done.)


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