
I'm an old Unix user that converted to SuSE Linux five or six
years ago. I have a rather simple problem that's giving me
trouble so I joined the mailing list hoping to find some help.

I moved many vi .exrc set and map commands onto my SuSE 6.4 system
unchanged and they worked fine, VIM version 5.6. 

In particular, I had a map command to break long ( > 80 char) lines
at the first space in the line less than 80 chars from the beginning
of the line. It looked like this:

map g $80|F r

This worked in Unix ond on the SuSe system. I have
another box with SuSE 8.1 and VIM 6.1.150. The above incantation
did not work when put into .exrc. I modified it to:

map g 080 F r<CR>

This almost works<S> ... but has the peculiar "feature" of counting off
the first 80 characters, over multiple lines, in a file and then inserting
a NL at the first space prior when editing a file ... without my invoking 'g'! 
In other words, when .exrc is read, it automatically invokes the
command 'g'.  The command does work correctly thereafter.

This same map command does work correctly using vim in Knoppix 5.01
(vim 6.4.7)

Anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong on SuSE 8.1?

Thanks in advance.

Jack Tucker

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