I was searching for the reason why  initial-position-
memory stopped working for me recently. It turned out the wrong
ownership/perms of the ~/.viminfo file. ~/.viminfo existed,
but was not readable and not writable by me.
(vim does not warn, not in the slightest form).

So I I want to insert the check for this special case into .vimrc.
( It happened once, it can happen again (maybe it happened to me more than once.
I remember other mysterios cases when inititl-position stopped working
and I did not know why)).

So I need the fileexist() function in it's purest form. Because this
check is not good:
   if filereadable(expand("~/.viminfo")) && !
filewritable(expand("~/.viminfo")) |
       ... warn...|endif
This is not good. I need
   if fileexist(expand("~/.viminfo")) && !
filewritable(expand("~/.viminfo")) | ... warn...|endif
How can I check that file exists even though it is not readable ?


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