On Sun 4-Feb-07 11:57am -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> Alt+printable key is usually translated by (key OR 0x80).
> Also Alt+ control keys above. This explains your
> "decorated characters": for instance, since z is 0x7A,
> Alt-z is mapped as 0xFA which (in Latin1 encoding) is รบ
> (small u with acute accent). Similarly, Alt-space should
> map to 0xA0, the non-breaking space character known to
> HTML writers as &nbsp; This also means that Alt+printable
> key should not be used for Insert-mode mappings because
> they collide with accented characters which one may want
> to be able to input directly.

Thanks for all that info on non-printables.  It is now easy
to figure out the Alt-x combos.


> Depending on the underlying OS and window manager, some key combinations can
> be preempted by the window manager, and never reach Vim. For instance, on my
> Linux system with kwm window manager, Alt-Fn triggers a system menu or action,
> Ctrl-Alt-Fn selects a virtual console ({1..12} are defined and {1..7,10} are
> actually used) and Ctrl-Fn selects a virtual desktop (the number of such
> virtual desktops is user-defined; I have 20 so all 12 Ctrl-Fn keys are taken).
> Thus I can use Fn and Shift-Fn in gvim but not Ctrl-Fn, Alt-Fn or Ctrl-Alt-Fn
> because the latter three kinds never reach any program running in X11.

I'm sure glad I don't have X11 to deal with :-)

Using Ctrl-V, I can see that Gvim doesn't see Alt-Ctrl or
Alt-Ctrl-Shift for "normal" keys, just for function keys,
insert/delete, home/end, page-up/down an the arrow keys.

This is NOT a Windows issue.  My email program (The Bat!),
for example, lets me make use of all of those combinations.
I believe it is a bug in the Gvim keyboard handling.

The tab key is a bit of an oddity.  Of the eight
possibilities, Ctrl-Tab and Alt-Ctrl-Tab don't work,
although Ctrl-Shift-Tab and Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Tab do work.
[Windows always takes over Alt-Tab and Alt-Shift-Tab.]

Best regards,

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