That's strange, my marks are maintained when I do an reload
the buffer with :e, and the jumplist seems to be preserved,
too. I never use either mechanism, but a little experiment
shows they are still there. Perhaps there are other things
that are erased too though, a side-effect I hadn't thought of.

Ah...I do see some persistance of these things depending on where the marks were in the file. I tested the following in a 100 line file (with "vi -u NONE"):


It doesn't return to the line I marked previously (originally line 33), but to line 3 of the previous file. Semi-understandable...just a somewhat peculiar behavior when


does return to the proper spot. It seems to sorta keep the marks. Similar oddities seem to happen with jumps.

Perhaps it is something to do with my vimrc; I am pretty keen
on keeping things around for as long as possible (:set hidden,
:set history=1000, etc)

I'm somewhere in between...I like long histories, but only set 'hidden' as needed as a reminder to myself. I also don't let .viminfo handle much, as I like to have a fairly fresh copy of vim each time I start it.

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