I don't know if I am in error, but ':set lines=999 columns=999' from
.vimrc does not work for me under KDE 3.5. It works in ex mode, after
everything is loaded, but not from the .vimrc file (and yes I am using
gvim). There are also some notable strange effects:

au GUIEnter * set lines=999 columns=999

seems to really make gvim think there are so many columns and lines:
word-wrap is turned off and command line disappears, but it resizes the
gvim's window ok.

the only thing that works for me is:

au CursorHold * exe ':set lines=999 columns=999 | au! CursorHold', which
does the resizing after a delay, but sometimes even this produces the
aforementioned strange effect.

In short, under KDE, :set lines=999 columns=999 works for me after
everything "settles down", but not before. I am using gvim 7.0.17.

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