ben lieb wrote:
I've started using gvim through cygwin on windows and I'm having to set
the color scheme and font every time I open it. Is there a way to set
this in an rc file or somewhere?

I put the following in my .vimrc file, but it seems to have had no
effect on the default setting.

set guifont=Terminal:10

I don't know the commands to set color schemes.

Any help appreciated,


The format of the 'guifont' option varies between versions of gvim. If the version of gvim which you're using under cygwin is a "cygwin" version accessing the graphical screen through X11-for-cygwin, it won't accept the ":set" command above. Here is a (hopefully) platform-independent way of setting 'guifont' (for 10pt Courier New; modify at will, keeping the format):

  if has("gui_running")             " 'guifont' doesn't work in the console
    if has("gui_gtk2")              " GTK+2 but not GTK+1
      set guifont=Courier\ New\ 10
    elseif has("gui_kde")           " the obsolete kvim (6.2 or earlier)
      set guifont=Courier\ New/10/-1/5/50/0/0/1/0
    elseif has("gui_photon")        " QNX Photon
      set guifont=Courier\ New:s10
    elseif has("x11")               " other X11 GUIs, including GTK+1
      set guifont=*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-m-*-*
    else                            " non-X11 GUIs (Windows, Carbon, ...)
      set guifont=Courier_New:h10

The order of "elseif" clauses is important: has("x11") must be just before the "else" clause because the three GUIs above it also display through X11 but don't accept the XLFD format.

Best regards,
Air is water with holes in it

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