>>      :s/^V^C/\r/             <-- ctl-V ctl-C is shorter,
>>                                  else the "\%x03" will work fine
>>should do what you want.

>Thanks very much.  Yes that is what I needed.  And the text I'm 
>playing with came from some serial data and has STX ETX wrapping the 
>real data.  I was getting rid of the STX and trying to convert the 
>ETX to end of line.

No worries.  Eg, if you wanted to do everything in one shot, could do
something like


to bracket the text in quotes, get rid of the ^B/^C, *and* add the
newline at the end.

If more'n one occurrences happen in a line, then you could probably
prefix it with "\{-}" for non-greedy (ie, minimal) matching, and trail
the command with a 'g' to do it multiply on each line if needed.

>And since I'm on a windows machine, Yakov suggested ^Q instead of ^V. 

Only if you got 'mswin.vim', which I killed off in a hurry before I even
heard everyone's advice here to trash it.  :D

That's so you can use things like ^C/^X/^V (copy/cut/paste) and the ^V
would trash the literal prefix for a character.  As well as lobotomise
'vim' to do windowsy things, which is generally something you *don't*
want.  Kinda like putting a slushbox in a Ferrari...

>Molon Labe...

Yeh, "Come and *take* it...".

Love the story...

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