Yakov Lerner wrote:
I have a string that has lots of forward slashes. I need to search it
and delete it (e.g. unix path name).  I could use a backslash for
everything forward slash and find it in vim. Is there a way I need not
do that? For now, I use 'grep -n' to get the line number and then delete
it. I don't actually type the string, I just use cut-and-paste!

You can use this trick:
:let @/='patterrn/with/slashes'

Or this trick in your vimrc:
   :command! -nargs=* S  let @/=<q-args>|norm n
and then you use
  :S  pattern/with/slashes


1. Note that this will search in the same direction as the latest / or ? search. You may want to end the command by "norm /" instead.

2. It may be simpler and more straightforward to use just (let's say)

        :cmap £ <Bslash>/

then the £ (pound sterling) key (which you may replace by any other key not used by Vim in command-line mode and conveniently located on your keyboard) can be used as a substitute for \/ on the command-line.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
24. You realize there is not a sound in the house and you have no idea where
    your children are.

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