Steve Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> From: ben lieb, Fri, February 09, 2007 11:58 am
>> I asked this question before, but it wasn't really resolved. I often
>> have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim (cygwin).
>> Some characters don't transfer properly. Most annoyingly is that a
>> single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿
>> Is there an easy way around this?
> It could just be a font issue, make sure your gvim font supports
> non-ASCII characters. (I find Courier New or Andale Mono provide
> extensive support.)

Hi I use

map!  <f9> <ESC>:let @* = substitute(@*,'[^[:print:]]',' ','g')<cr>"*p
map   <f9>      :let @* = substitute(@*,'[^[:print:]]',' ','g')<cr>"*p

Which filters most but not all the crud

BTW if anyone knows how to add extra characters to the filter '[^

please let me know

zzapper Vim, Zsh, MySQL Tips

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