Dr. Uwe Schneider wrote:

Thanx a lot for your fast response!

At my PC at home, ":help" works (that's why I can't tell you more about the missing help 
feature in the moment), but at my office PC (there I ran vim per X-Term under Unix, SunSolaris), 
there comes an error message, like "no help file found in 
/usr/local/share/vim7.0/vim/.../vim.hlp". The directory exists and all files, like the syntax 
files, are already there, but no vim.hlp.

What's wrong?

Best Regards, Doc

*There* *is* *no* *vim.hlp*

The default $VIMRUNTIME on Unix (as shown by ":echo $VIMRUNTIME" in Vim) is /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/. That directory should have a doc/ subdirectory containing the help files as a number of .txt files, plus a file named "tags" which is the help index.

Similarly, on Windows the default $VIMRUNTIME is "C:\Program Files\vim\vim70". That directory should also have a "doc" subdirectory containing many *.txt files and one "tags" file. *That* is the Vim help system.

There are several possibilities. If the *.txt and tags files mentioned above are present, try

        :verbose set helpfile?

The reply (on Unix) should be


If it is anything else, the next line will tell you where that setting was last changed. In that case, that's the culprit.

If the *.txt files are there but the "tags" file isn't, you can regenerate it by doing

        :helptags $VIMRUNTIME/doc

(assuming of course that you have file-creation rights in /usr/share/vim/vim70/doc/) which can take some time: when the cursor goes back to your edit buffer and starts blinking again, you know that it is done.

Best regards,
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

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