Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
Larry Alkoff wrote:

I have a desktop and newly configured laptop with different versions of vim.

The desktop has vim 6.4.6 which contains the lines in ~/.vimrc
set mouse=a
syntax on
They show in :help

The laptop has vim 7.0.35 and gives an error on the above two vimrc commands. Also they don't show in :help.

What has happened in vim 7? Are there replacements for syntax on and set mouse?

These commands are fine.  So, bring up your new vim and type:

What does that show?

Chip Campbell

":syntax on" will fail in versions compiled without syntax highlighting support; ":set mouse" will fail on versions compiled without mouse support. Maybe he's using a "tiny" version? They still ought to show in
        :help :syntax-on
        :help 'mouse'
If they don't, then I guess Larry's distribution of Vim 7 has been "modified" to cripple the help, in which case he really ought to avail himself of some distribution compiled from true-blue official sources.

Even on my laptop (when I used it) I used a "Big" version of gvim (which had everything except profiling).

Larry: since according to your headers you're on a Unix-like system, you might want to compile your own Vim (the current version is 7.0.195), see my

If your laptop uses Windows, you can also avail yourself of Steve Hall's Vim for Windows (Steve Hall is also the main leader of the "Cream for Vim" project but this page is for Windows Vim without Cream).

Best regards,
Jone's Law:
        The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone
to blame it on.

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