Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
From: "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vertical regexp
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 16:10:50 +0100

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
From: "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vertical regexp
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 15:46:19 +0100

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

 Is there any way to find two specific items of an ascii table of the
 same column  but of two adjacent rows ?
I am looking for some vimish solution - there is of course a way to specify an highly complex and longish regexp which is very table

 Is there a way to say "item below this item" or item(x,y) and item(

 Thanks for any help in advance!
 Have a nice weekend!

It may depend on the structure of your file: if "the item below this item" is vertically aligned it will be relatively easy; if they aren't aligned, as in lines of comma- or tab-separated items of widely varying length, it is probably possible, but not in the same way; and it may require a function rather than a regexp.

Best regards,
This is your fortune.
Hi Tony,

 sorry...I forgot to mention: It is a *very* simple aligned
 ASCII-table, <space> is used as seperator.

 It looks like this one

 <128 chars of hex-crc><2 spaces><item to compare><2 spaces><full path/file>

 where "file" possibly contains "weird" characters (at least from the
 point of view of an unixxer) like spaces, braces, commata and so on
 -- everything which makes regexp more complicate and a headache in
 the evening ;)

 Keep hacking!

OK, well, check ":help pattern-overview", I'm sure you will find what you need. In addition, if you need to concatenate expressions to construct your pattern, you may want to check ":help :normal" and ":help :let-@".

Best regards,
For some reason, this fortune reminds everyone of Marvin Zelkowitz.

Hi Tony!


 Its always a problem for a non-native English speaker like me to
 first translate a "what I want" in "the name for it" and then
 from (in my case) a "the name for it (german)" in "a name for it
 (english)" and vim has always some special terminus technicus for
 "what I want".....

 Previously I would never had thought, that "let-@" has something to
 do with my problem... ;)

 kind regards,

":let-@" is about setting a register to the value of an expression. Once it is known that one of the possible "settable" registers, the / register, holds the current search pattern, the step from there to ":let-@" becomes obvious.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
40. You tell the cab driver you live at
41. You actually try that 123.elm.street address.

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