> Normal mode (sometimes called Command mode) is when hittinh h j k l will go 
> one character cell left, down, up or right, respectively.
> Command-LINE mode is what you enter by hitting : and quit by hitting <Enter> 
> (to execute a command) or <Esc> (to abandon what you were typing on the 
> command-line at the bottom of the Vim screen).

Just to further muddy the waters... :)

Command-line mode is entered with a colon to get into ex mode,
but can also be entered into via "/" or "?" to search.  One can
also enter a pseudo-command-line mode by attempting to insert the
contents of the expression register (control+R followed by "=")

Somewhat irksomely, it's difficult to discern between these, so
if you want a mapping that only applies on the Ex command-line,
but that doesn't apply in the others, you have to fiddle with
mappings dynamically.  I've experienced this most when wanting to
remap <CR> upon searching.  To do as much, one has to create a
mapping that does the following

1) create a cnoremap for <cr> to do what one wants and then once
done, deletes these 3 temporary cnoremap mappings.

2) create a cnoremap for <esc> and for control+C to clean up the
3 temporary mappings

and 3) then issues the "/" or "?" as asked for.

It would be handy to have a "exnoremap" and "searchnoremap"
command for mappings that would only apply in only when
command-line mode was entered via that particular means (the
former, via the colon, and the latter, via a "/" or "?").

Just more ramble for ya'll. :)


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