Kai Weber wrote:

where can I find an overview of the $HOME/.vim directory hierarchie? I
have not found an overview, seems I have to read all the vim
documentation for ":help ftplugin", ":help initialization" and so on. I
am searching for a short overview like

foo -- contains files for filetypes
foo/bar -- files in this dir are read after including ...

Regards, Kai

You don't need any subfolders in $HOME/.vim (or, on non-Unix systems, $HOME/vimfiles) unless you have something to put in them. The hierarchy is the same as under $VIMRUNTIME, with the addition of ~/.vim/after/ (for which see ":help after-directory").

        load-on-demand scripts for functions of the form scriptname#Funcname()
        compiler scripts
        helpfiles. For "tags" see ":help :helptags".
        indent plugins
        translations for menus and messages
        not used automatically by Vim
        global plugins (loaded at startup)
        I'm not sure
        spell dictionaries
        syntax highlight scripts
        filetype detection scripts
~/.vimrc or ~/_vimrc
~/.gvimrc or ~/_gvimrc
        startup customization scripts

Each of the directories named in the 'runtimepath' option (q.v.) has the same structure but their purpose is different:

~/.vim or ~/vimfiles (according to platforms)
        full-fledged scripts, single-user
        full-fledged scripts, system-wide
        ONLY what was distributed together with Vim
        system-wide tweaks to any of the above
~/.vim/after or ~/vimfiles/after
        user-private tweaks to any of the above

        :help 'runtimepath'
        :help after-directory
        :help :helptags

Best regards,
Canada Bill Jone's Motto:
        It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.

        A .44 magnum beats four aces.

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