Simon Jackson wrote:
how do i tell vim to close html tags as i'm writing them and place the
cursor in between the 2 tags?
if i type..
then vim replaces it with
and places my cursor should be between '>' and '<'
To do exactly that, you would have to write, probably, an insert-mode mapping
for the > key (local-to-buffer, probably in $HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
[Unix], or $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/html.vim [Windows]).
However, there are already two preprogrammed methods to close HTML tags:
Method I: Using omni completion (Vim 7 only).
In an HTML file, when you enter <\ then hit Ctrl-X Crtl-O in Insert mode, Vim
will offer to insert the closing tag for the latest not-yet-closed tag.
Method II: Using closetag.vim (also in Vim 6).
Download the closetag.vim script from Vim-online, then source it at the
FileType autocommand event for the html (xml, etc.) filetype: e.g. in the
after-plugin mentioned in my first paragraph above. Then Ctrl-_
(control-underscore) will close the latest not-yet-closed tag. Self-closed
<tags /> are ignored, as well as (in HTML) a configurable set of unpaired and
optionally-paired tags.
Method I does not require installing anything additional to the standard Vim
distribution, but Method II is IMHO easier to use.
Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
47. You are so familiar with the WWW that you find the search engines useless.