I'm trying to find a good way to remap control+U in insert-mode so that it begins an undo-block. There are times when type control+U in insert-mode and it doesn't do what I intend, or I want to undo it, only to find that an "u"ndo doesn't solve the problem. I know that transitioning out of insert-mode (via <esc> or <c-o>) will mark a point in the undo-stack. However, I don't really want to be in insert mode. I've tried the following:
inoremap <c-u> <c-o><esc><c-u> This does a funky beep/flash (depending on VB settings) and doesn't behave quite like I would have expected it to. inoremap <c-u> <c-o><nop><c-u> This gives me a crazy "E486: Pattern not found: insert" which, I haven't searched for the word "insert" so this one makes me scratch my head. Bug perhaps? Vim-internals showing through? Have I overlooked some setting that I couldn't find in undo.txt? Or does anyone else have a good suggestion on how to tag a control+U in insert-mode so that it alone can be undone? Thanks, -tim