I d/l'd and cofigured vim7.x (latest) as follows...

./configure --prefix=/vimpath --enable-gui

Should this enable gvim?

I did a make install, and
cd /vimpath/bin
ln -s vim gvim

When I start gvim, I get
E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time

What do I need to do to use gvim?

Are you using windoze, linux, or mac?

For windows: what compiler are you using?  For example:

  cygwin:  make -f Make_cyg.mak
  M$ visual c: make -f Make_mvc.mak

etc. So, it depends on what compiler you're using as to which makefile to use.
You can then edit the appropriate makefile for particular options you want.
Generally, though, they do come up with gui (gvim).

For linux: I use

 configure --with-features=huge --enable-perlinterp
 make install

I've not used the Mac... I suggest trying to get the compile to work as shown
above first, and then try again with whatever configure options you want.
Make sure that the usual way works first!

Chip Campbell

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