Lev Lvovsky wrote:
Hi Gene - sorry for the delay in replying -

On Feb 16, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Gene Kwiecinski wrote:

I often find myself copy/pasting via my GUI text that I might have on
the screen, and then pasting it into the command to be performed - is
there any way to cut/paste text into the command area when I have it
highlighted with just the keyboard?

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if it's what I think it is, sure.

If I want to, eg, globally delete paths from links to images and such in
html source, eg, to turn

    <img src="big_honking_pile_of_hooey_files/image.jpg">

into just

    <img src="image.jpg">

, then I'd want to execute


as a command, so I'd just 'v' the pathname to highlight it,
control-insert it to yank it into the "clipboard"(?), then do


ie, use shift-insert to "paste" the path directly into the command.

is that any help, or were you referring to something different?

Unless I'm mistaken, these are OS-specific copy/paste commands, correct? I don't have an 'insert' key on my keyboard, but I was hoping for something built into vim, where it has it's own copy/paste buffer that it can use in the command mode.


The clipboard is known in Vim as the + register.

Start characterwise visual with v then extend it by moving the cursor

Yank with y
Yank to the clipboard with "+y

Paste ("put") before the cursor with P -- after the cursor with p
Prefix it with "+ to use the system clipboard.

In Vim you don't need to use the clipboard unless you want to paste to/from another program.

See the other replies in this thread for details.
See also ":help change.txt"

Best regards,
Stay away from hurricanes for a while.

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