> Hey Kamaraju,
> To test your terminal's colouring abilities, try this little perl script
> by Todd Larason
> (http://www.cs.rice.edu/~scrosby/software/tf256color/src/256colors2.pl).

Thanks for the script.

> I don't know which terminal emulator you use, but if it's xterm or
> konsole, it supports 256 colours. In Konsole, you have to set your
> terminal type to "xterm-256color" and add "set t_Co=256" in your .vimrc.

I am using konsole. There I have

$ echo $TERM

This is the default and I did not change it. With this setting, when I
did ":set t_Co=256" in .vimrc, I get yellow background for searched items.
Cool! One problem solved.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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