On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 06:38:35PM EST, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> Let's say I open a vim session by
> vim -o2 file1 file2
> now when inside file1, If I do
> :vs file3
> I will get
> --------------
> file1 | file3
> --------------
>     file2
> --------------
> Instead I want to get
> --------------
> file1 |
> ------- file3
> file2 |
> --------------
> Is there any easy way?

To switch from the first display to the second on the fly:

CTRL-w L                          /* upper case  'L' !! */

Likewise you can use ..

CTRL-w H                          /* ibid.              */
CTRL-w J                          /* ...                */
CTRL-w K                          /* ...                */

.. to rearrange the respective locations of your windows following the
usual lower case mnemonics (H=left, L=right, J=down, K=up)

Now, combined with ..

CTRL-W <h,j,k,l>

.. to navigate your vim windows and a bit of practice to get the hang of
it, you should be able to switch to just about any configuration that
suits you at any given time without thinking.


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