Hello Edward,

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 11:58:30 AM, you wrote:

>?Hi Tony,

>?On 2/27/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>?Here is an alternative way to handle it, which may be "the right way" from a
>>?conceptual point of view, and in the long term, though it may be much more
>>?difficult from the coding point of view. It may or may not be "the right 
>>?to do" pragmatically:

>>?Treat GB18030 as what it is, namely, a Unicode Transformation Format. In 
>>?words, whenever 'encoding' is set to GB18030, use UTF-8 internally and 
>>?when reading and writing, just like we already do for UTF-16le, UTF-16be,
>>?UTF-32le and UTF-32be.

>?There is still another problem. When using gvim under Windoze with
>?CP936 locale, we can only set the encoding to CP936. Or the messages
>?in gvim will become malformed characters. Could anybody offer a good
>?solution to this problem?

>>?This, of course, also suffers from the performance problems related to
>>?conversion GB18030 <=> UTF-8.

>>?Best regards,
>>?Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.


>?Edward Leap Fox

I use these settings:

set encoding=utf-8
set langmenu=zh_CN.utf-8 "this must be set before syntax on
set helplang=cn
language message zh_CN.utf-8

Best regards,
 mbbill                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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