A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Yes, using the :vimgrep command (Vim 7 and some versions of Vim 6) or the external "grep" command (earlier versions):

    :vimgrep /pattern/g ./**/*.[ch] " search the list of files
                                    " for the /pattern/
    :copen                          " open quickfix window

The second command above splits the Vim screen horizontally, with at bottom a window containing one line per match. Hit <Enter> on any line and the corresponding file is opened above the quickfix window, with the cursor on the corresponding match. Or use the commands


to navigate the list of matches, with or without opening the quickfix window. When done, use


(regardless of which window is current at the time) to close the quickfix window.
As mentioned in :h vimgrep

           Without the 'j' flag Vim jumps to the first match.
           With 'j' only the quickfix list is updated.
           With the [!] any changes in the current buffer are

I found it rather annoying that the initial search automatically jumped
to the first match, especially if one expects to get many results for
review.  So executing

:vimgrep /pattern/gj ./**/*

will leave the current buffer as it is, after which doing a :copen, one
can check all the different matches and go from there.

To expand on Tony's tip, I have made a quick-n-dirty function to search
your current directory for a pattern, as below.

" Grep function {{{
function! SearchCurrentDirectory()
   let s:pat=input("Grep: ")
   let s:path=input("Path to search (ENTER for pwd): ", "", "dir")
   let s:ext=input("File extension (ENTER for all files): ")
   if s:ext==""
       let s:ext="*"
   if s:path==""
       let s:path="."
   if s:pat!=""
       execute("vimgrep /".s:pat."/gj ".s:path."/**/*.".s:ext)

nmap <silent> <F10> :execute SearchCurrentDirectory()<CR>
" }}} End Grep

Put the above in your vimrc file to load it on startup.

Another note to consider: in the quickfix window, you might want to open
a specific hit in a new window.  Pressing ENTER on the current line will
open the hit in the current window.  Pressing Ctrl-W ENTER, however,
opens a new window with the cursor on the selected instance of your
search pattern.

I can see I will be using this functionality extensively in the near future.

Happy Vimming!
Albie Janse van Rensburg (neonpill)

Registered Linux User 438873 | <http://counter.li.org>

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